Saturday, December 6, 2008

We Interrupt the Regularly Scheduled Program...

Ahhh....where has the time gone? Oh yeah, I've done about a million things over the last few months, claro!!!

I am a few weeks behind on the documentation of "The Amazing Adventures of Patricia" (amazing that I am here anyway...)! I want to get it down right and not rush so, I am sure that I will have to finish up after I get home. I am currently making my way back to Buenos Aires where I will be catching my flight home. I arrive in the beautiful San Francisco Bay on Thursday, December 11th. I will be home for about a month before I hit the road again. I miss everyone and I am looking forward to spending Christmas at home. It doesn't feel like the holidays to me at all - well, other than the occasional Christmas tree sighting which reminds me what time of year it is!

I am looking foward to seeing you, hoping that you are enjoying the holidays! Sushi, holiday eggnog, movies, excercise (I am in desperate need of regular excercise - I have indulged way too much in Argentina), Christmas caroling (ah yeah, no), etc. let's do it...I want to see you!

Felice Navidad!
Abrazos y Besos a todos!

ps - many have asked about my legs (that sounds really odd...)...anyway, they are better! Thank you for asking. After over a month, I still go through some major itch attacks where I feel like I could scratch my skin off (I know, I know...but it's really hard not to scratch). I am hoping not to have permanent scars. My ankles have become like balloons - with the night buses and the heat, they expand and contract regularly, but no more infection! Yahoo!

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