Saturday, November 15, 2008

Nature Girl - The Recovery and Good-byes For Now Anyway...

I highly recommend the Salkantay trek to Machu Picchu with The United Mice tour company. The food was amazing and we were well taken care of.

The day after our trek, I continued to nurse the bites on my legs. They were not looking too good. Natasha and I were trying to figure our our next move. She had a few days to kill before heading back to Austraila and I knew that I wanted to go to Arrequipa. We decided that that night, we would take the night bus to Arrequipa. We packed our bags and met Lewis and Michaela for lunch where I tried my 1st Inca Cola (tastes like cream soda). We took a trip to the cemetary. November 1st was Dia de Los Santos or All Saints Day. This is the day that the local Peruvian families go to the cemetary and honor their relatives that have passed. They sing music, bring the favorite foods and drinks, bring fresh flowers and clean the grave sites. It was quite a sight. In a way, I felt like I was intruding on their tradition -again, trying not to be the obvious tourist shooting pictures. We didn't stay long, but it was interesting to see. On the way out of the cemetary, we bought these amazing Churros. I think they cost 4 for $1. They were so good. They had banana in them...yum! Later, the 4 of us killed time playing cards. Asshole was the game of choice.

I was so lucky to be a part of this group. We had so much fun and we laughed alot. We had some non-pc conversations that were pretty hilarious. I now have a checklist to determine if a little person is a midget or a dwarf. I am laughing just as I write this. We also don't know how, all of a sudden, Natasha and Jaime became Asian. I have got to get those pictures! Lewis' camera takes pictures underwater and Natasha and Jaime's pictures were hilarious and Michaela is so photogenic, even underwater! When traveling, everyone's digestive prowess always becomes a topic of conversation. I guess traveling brings that out in people, or in some cases, not! Natasha and I were roomates all along the way and I felt like we had known each other for a long time! Birds of a feather, I guess! I will be seeing Michaela and Lewis in Buenos Aires. We plan to go to the River Plate futbol game, eat steak and drink mucho vino tinto!

Along the way, hanging out with an Aussie and the Kiwis, I noted the following:
  • Flip Flops = Jandals =Thongs
  • Bathing Suit = Togs
  • Bangs = Fringe
  • Bathroom = Loo
  • Shady = Dodgy

Natasha and I said adios (for now) to Michaela and Lewis and we headed for the bus station.

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