Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Eat, Pray, Love...Lost...ready to Eat again...

Here I go again! The decision to travel again comes because well, THE GIRL WAS INTERRUPTED!

My close friends know the story:
Girl quits job, plans to travel for a year, year cut short to 6 months due to family illness, boy comes into picture, boy is out of picture, brain malfunction and boy is back in picture, brain works again and boy is out of picture for good.

It's time to get back to the original plan!

The 2011 Plan (so far): Hawaii, New Zealand and Australia for 2 months!

Kona Hawaii with my comadre and the amazing Lefer family! You can not go wrong - Great weather, beautiful beaches and Mai Tai's at Buzz's! For one week, I pretty much did not one thing, nada, nil, zilch! Hung out by the pool and beach, went on a Hike to Hawi beach, watched little Ben Lefer cut a rug on New Year's Eve (the boy has mad skills), danced and rang in 2011 at the Waikaloa Marriot. Those Lefer boys are too cute! And my comadre Daniella (or Danielle to some...) is the most amazing mom. I don't know how she does it - 3 boys, one age 6 and two age 4! Thank you to the Lefer family for letting me "crash" in Kona!

My original intent was to go to Kona and straight on to New Zealand, but the flight schedules were crazy with costs increasing and layover after layover. I think I was a little late in the game to get it booked at a reasonable price the way I wanted to go. It worked out better to return to the Bay Area for a week and then head out to New Zealand..and that's what I did...

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